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MoonwalkinMike wrote:
Freelancer New Universe Public Beta

This is the Public beta of New Universe v 1.0 , not the full version, for which we will be adding even more but this is complete with maybe a few rogue bugs left in, i must stress that it is not the final release, but a test into what will happen if we make this version public, so play as you would normally play, and we will keep working on the next version rules apply

have fun


This mod is only to be run on the official frost works servers which will be listed below

Server Information :

Name : Freelancer Revolution : server 1
Password : wordpass
Info : Powered by Logosoft running new universe
ip :
location : Sarajevo / Bosnia
connection 32mbit

use fldirectip.hta file to connect, input i.p address and connect by going to lan game.

When Playing Freelancer New Universe you must enlist in a Faction, this may be a house faction, in the heat of the war, or possibly a non house aligned house such as pirate or bounty hunters,further details will be shown below

As you may have heard, many player squads have been formed, to accomodate this and to identify players a faction tag must be displayed in front of your chosen name, it will be displayed as shown below


SQ will be an abbreviated name of your squad that you have enlisted under, please note it is not necessary to enlist in a squad and should you chose not to your tag would be displayed as follows


where lib is the liberty faction.

Any Faction May not Kill any other member of their faction, in addition all faction members may not player kill any of their allies which are specified in further detail below, also rules on weapon restriction will be in force which will be specified in faction information.

House Corporations

Benefits - Can Take Invade and take over enemy and neutral systems
Disadvantages - restrictive weapon systems

Special : Breaking the Law - If any member of a house faction is scanned by another member of an allied or enemy house faction, and is proven to be carrying contraband, then the smuggler may be destroyed, regardless of pk rules.

LIBERTY tag - [Lib]

Allies : Bretonia , Traders
Enemies : Kusari , Rheinland , Pirates, outcasts, corsairs

Ship Restrictions :

May Only Fly Liberty ships and armoured transport

Defender Mk1
Defender Mk2
Liberty Cruiser
Liberty Dreadnought
Osiris Battleship
Armoured Transport

Weapon Restrictions :

May use all missiles
May use all civilian weapons
May use all liberty weapons

Bretonia tag - [Br]

Allies : Liberty , Traders
Enemies : Kusari , Rheinland , Pirates, outcasts, corsairs

Ship Restrictions :

May Only Fly Bretonian ships and armoured transport

Bretonian Battleship
Bretonian Battlecruiser
Bretonian Destroyer
Bretonian Gunboat
Armoured Transport

Weapon Restrictions :

May use all missiles
May use all civilian weapons
May use all Bretonian weapons

Rheinland tag - [Rh]

Allies : Kusari , Traders
Enemies : Liberty , Bretonia , Pirates, outcasts, corsairs

Ship Restrictions :

May Only Fly Rheinland ships and armoured transport

Rheinland Cruiser
Rheinland Battlecruiser
Rheinland Gunboat
Armoured Transport

Weapon Restrictions :

May use all missiles
May use all civilian weapons
May use all Rheinland weapons

Kusari tag - [ku]

Allies : Rheinland , Traders
Enemies : Liberty , Bretonia , Pirates, outcasts, corsairs

Ship Restrictions :

May Only Fly Kusari ships and armoured transport

Kusari Destroyer
Kusari Battlecruiser
Kusari Gunboat
Armoured Transport

Weapon Restrictions :

May use all missiles
May use all civilian weapons
May use all Kusari weapons

Additional Notes About Battleships :

Only Battleships may use specially designed Battleship Weaponary
The size of a capital class ship is obvious, and cannot be docked everywhere, however, they may dock on planets through use of the mooring fixture above it, or attempt to dock through the docking ring, which is not advised, they may also attempt a dock at larger bases, which have special ports to accomodate them, but it is up to you to find out which stations have these types of ports. Sense is needed in piloting a battleship, they are large and slow, Flying into asteroid fields or minefields can be deadly and certainly very ill advised, and docking with tradelanes can be frustrating unless you pilot your battleship effectively, which means not trying to dock at tradelanes at impossible angles and such. Battleships are the most Powerfull type of ship in the game without doubt however, and they can easily overcome fighters, so effective squad management is needed to ensure your team fights effectively.

Special : Emergency Repair - Some Battleships Have the ability to repair themselves even when their hull is at a critically low level, and explosions rage through the ship, through effective use of nanobots, and mox containment field Technology, this gives them a substantial advantage in the field over suprise attacks and ambushes.

Non House Factions

Advantages - less strict weapon and pk rules
Disadvantages - May Not Invade Enemy systems (*)

* Clarification
Non-house factions CANNOT take over systems from the rightful owner (navy) but CAN fight other non-house factions for control of the crime syndicate (translated into use/control of the outlaw bases) of that system...
Rules of engagement apply in the exact way they apply for system invasion.

Traders tag - [TRAD]

Allies : House Corporations
Enemies : Pirates, Outcasts, Corsairs

Ship Restrictions :

May Only Fly Armoured Transport, Train, Frieghters and other Civilian Ships, Excluding the Eagle

Armoured Transport

Weapon Restrictions :

May Not use House Weapons

Special : Trains and Ats have 2 thruster mounts allowing them to quickly escape battle, however they lack a shield mount.

Bounty Hunters tag - [BH]

Allies : none
Enemies : Pirates, Corsairs, Outcasts

Ship Restrictions :

May only fly bounty hunter ships


Special : Reviewed by the MRBC

Weapon Restrictions :

May Not use House Weapons

Mercenaries tag - [Merc]

Allies : None
Enemies : Pirates, Corsairs, Outcasts

Ship Restrictions :

May Only Fly Civilian Ships


Special : Reviewed by the MRBC

Pirates tag - [Pir]

Allies : None
Enemies : House Corporations, Bounty Hunters, Mercs, Traders

Ship Restrictions :

May Only Fly Pirate Ships


Weapon Restrictions :

May Not use House Weapons

Outcast tag - [Out]

Allies : None
Enemies : House Corporations, Bounty Hunters, Mercs, Traders, Corsairs

Ship Restrictions : May Only Fly Border world ships


Weapon Restrictions :

May Not use House Weapons

Corsair tag - [Cor]

Allies : None
Enemies : House Corporations, Bounty Hunters, Mercs, Traders, Outcasts

Ship Restrictions : May Only Fly Corsair ships and CSV


Weapon Restrictions :

May Not use House Weapons

Additional Rules :

Players may only have 2 characters
1 house member
1 non-house member

No Player Killing in Heliopolis Major

Players Have Until level 5 to get into their respective ships.

The Territorial Combat System :

The territorial Combat system was a way of deepening the gameplay of Freelancer developed by stalker, in essence players will now be able to declare invasions of other systems and defenders will have to rally to oppose them, Only the House Factions will be able to Attack other systems, however, non house factions may defend against invaders.

It begins with a Map With its Territories divided between the factions, the Main Base of Operations for Each Faction may not be Invaded, so a faction will never be completely defeated, heres how it works,

First, An Admin must be online and informed of the battle by both parties as proof of its occurance,

Attackers may only invade a system adjacent to a system they own,

There must be 3 or more of the defending faction online.

Attackers Rally in the system they are attacking from, and when all the attacking and defending forces are present, the battle may commence, the attackers jump into the opposing system and begin the attack, in effect it becomes a team last man standing, where the last player alive wins the system for their faction, the battle lasts 15 mins, if there is no winner by then, then the result is a draw and the attackers must rally back in their own system before attacking again. In Addition When an attacker dies during the battle he is not permitted to rejoin the battle and must not re-enter the system, however, defenders are permitted to respawn ONLY ONCE, after which they must leave the system or remain docked until the battle has concluded. the result will be recorded by an admin, and written down, and a map will be updated every week with balance shifts in power, At the moment the only reward for occupying systems is the pride of knowing your faction is prevailing over your enemies, which in itself is a satisfying feeling, perhaps in later versions, physical prizes will be given out. If a defender refuses to defend his system, but there are an adequate number of defenders online, then the system is surrendered to the attacking force.

Please note this system requires player co-operation, without it, it will not work,and the system will be scrapped.

The Capital Systems

Liberty : New York
Bretonia : New London
Kusari : New Tokyo
Rheinland : New Berlin

The Merc Review Board Commision :

This is a system for reviewing the services of both the Bounty hunters and Mercenary forces, it will be split into groups which will define how valuable their services are , as follows

F - Number of jobs succesfully completed :0

E - Number of jobs succesfully completed : 15

D - Number of jobs succesfully completed : 30

C - Number of jobs succesfully completed : 45

B - Number of jobs succesfully completed : 60

A - Number of jobs succesfully completed :100

A Successful job completed must be reported by the contractor to myself or another admin, the usefullness of this system is to inform a contractor of how reliable a squad is. dishonourable acts such as backstabbing contractors etc. will result in a drop of rating by 1 level .

there would be a forum and a server to support the role play. the forum coudl be used for fiction as well as advertising your characters serveices, for example as a freelancer u coudl advertise your services as escort. as a frieghter captian u coudl advertise shipping for a profit. as a merc u coudl advertise gun for hire.
NOW OBVIOUSLY THIS WOUDL BE ON THE HONOR SYSTEM. player would need to police themselves. if the admins are told of an indiescresion, which is confirmed, then the users account will be deleted. im sure it wont come to that

breaking the rules:

If you are caught cheating you will be confronted by an admin, or a dev team member. Below list the charge and the appropriate action that will take place.

1st offense, you will be instructed to leave the server, voluntarily delete the offending character, start over, disable your cheat, and reapply the current official mod. If you refuse you will be banned.

2nd offense, if you are caught again you will be banned PERMANENTLY. No questions asked. Go directly to jail do not collect . Enough said.

3rd offense, there won't be a third offense. In my opinion this post should serve as your only warning and you should be banned right off the bat.


cheaters are people who do not use our mod on our server, or use a different mod to give them some benefit. if a cheater is found and confirmed this person will NOT recieve a warning. they will be banned on the spot.

choose your faction and choose your fate!!!!!!!!

*credit to pneumonic for cheater rules
** Ghost Docking is advised for the smooth running of the mod

This is one of my favorite images
This is my good friend Hal. I took this picture on his birthday. I think he likes to be in pictures.
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This is one of my favorite images
This is my good friend Hal. I took this picture on his birthday. I think he likes to be in pictures.

This is one of my favorite images
This is my good friend Hal. I took this picture on his birthday. I think he likes to be in pictures.